The Vero Beach Power Squadron (VBPS) schedules a day of fishing on the Indian River for the Boys and Girls Club of Indian River County, a few times each year.
Chairman Fishing Group, Richard Carlin, coordinates the event. Members provide boats, fishing gear and bait. Financing for food, prizes and miscellaneous is covered by the VBPS.
What does it take to make a day of fishing on the river? A lot of planning, lots of personal flotation devices, volunteers, boats, fishing gear, bait, cameras, kids and some instruction about how to maneuver about the vessel under way, how to handle fishing pools, how to bait hooks, and a little safe boating instruction on the water, boating education from the captain and crew aboard each vessel, and much more.
The boats and volunteers show up at 8:30. The Boys and Girls Club participants arrive by bus and are greeted by numerous VBPS members. Everyone moves into the VBPS building. All the boys and girls are fitted with Personal Flotation Devices (PFDs also known as Life Vests) and briefed on the events to come. Groups are assigned to a boat.
After a few hours of fishing lunch is provided back at the squadron building. At the last event some of the kids received trophies for " Smallest Fish Caught, Biggest Fish caught and Most Fish Caught". Prizes for naming boat parts and answering questions in general included a fishing rod and reel setup, hats and fishing related gifts.
MOre pictures can be found here'%20Day-08152009/album/index.html
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